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Do you want a better way to search the MLS? Please see the Listing Book information below.
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I'm excited to provide to my clients a new way to search for real estate: Listing Book Years ago, before real estate listings went online, each subscribed Realtor would receive a massive, monthly print out of all the local real estate listings. It was very time consumming to thumb through the book with clients. Clients would always ask, "can I take home the listing book?" "Thumbing" through the internet to see listings is also time consuming. And until now, the only public access to the MLS has been limited in search capabilities. A great new service named Listing Book allows members of the general public to search the Multiple Listing Service. If you would like to have greater MLS search capabilities, please fill out the FREE registration form below. There is no cost or obligation for this service. After the form is received, a Listing Book account will be created and a link will be e-mailed to the address provided. Listing Book has many great features. In addition to the broad search capabilities, it allows for quick and easy communication between agent and client. Try it today!
New mobile app from Listingbook. Just text LB99KZ2 to 87778 from your device to receive the no cost Listingbook mobile app.
Click for your no charge Listingbook account |
(All information is confidential. It will only be used to provide you with a Listing Book account)